I am completely floored. I cannot believe anyone can be so precious.
Lisa has effectively destroyed my plans three times.
First, she was supposed to come visit me for a month before I left for Australia, which was fine, but then she asked if Jason, her boyfriend, could come along. They had been going out for maybe two or three months then and I'd never met him before and wasn't even sure they'd still be together by 2007 but I said fine. Whatever makes her happy. I didn't have a place then and didn't know if they would even fit in my new flat when I managed to find one but I thought I could work around that.
Then she told me she was actually coming for two months and that Jason would be coming for around three weeks. Two months is a long time but I planned all the stuff we would do and how we would get to places and everything.
Then she told me he was only coming for a week after all and for two or three of those days, they wanted to be in Barcelona. So I had to replan everything, try and fit as much into six days as I could, figure out accommodation, meals, car rental etc. And this whole time she kept asking me 'Why can't we do this with Jason? I'd really like Jason to do this and this. Can we go here and here?' Sorry, NO. I am not a miracle worker. If I'm given 24 hours, multiplied by 6 days, that's what I have. Don't blame me for the changes in plan.
And then today she's decided that when she meets her Jason at Barcelona next week, they're going to stay there and travel around there instead, instead of coming back to Logrono like planned. So scrap those new plans I made. And now I'll be packing nine days before I leave instead of three.
The point of her coming in the first place, the reason my dad is helping her pay for it is because she was supposed to help me pack up and carry my stuff home because I have a 20 kg limit on the plane for a year's worth of stuff. And she was supposed to help ease my load. Instead she's been more trouble than she's worth. She says she'll hang out the clothes or put away the groceries but is just going to have a quick chat with Jason. Two hours later, I've done the clothes and cleaned the flat and she's still on the computer/phone. Then she says she'll bring in the clothes and at 8 pm realises that she's forgotten about them. She wakes up, gets on skype to talk to Jason, has a break for lunch, gets back on the computer to talk some more through the afternoon, maybe finds a few free hours to browse the sales, we come back for dinner and she goes to bed.
If I asked her to stay she would but I don't want her to stay. The truth is it would be so much easier if she left and didn't come back from Barcelona but that's not the point. The point is I've been working everything around what she wants and it seems to matter shitall. It just takes a whim of hers to break all the effort and thought I put into planning things out for her. I truly feel appreciated.
I've got two weeks left in Spain. I need to finalise things with my teachers because I'm not here for exams, I have to close accounts, work things out with the landlady, pack, say goodbye to all the great people I've met in the year overseas, get ready to go back to my normal life again. I am perhaps a tad stressed. So please don't blame me for feeling bitter. And I also think it's wonderful that at this point when I'm a teeny bit upset and call Allen he can't give me his full attention for five minutes because he's offering advice online about a computer game to some guy he met on the internet half an hour ago, who paid him a bit of online gaming cash that he can only use in this one game, that has no real world monetary value, to answer his questions. Talk about priorities. Well, at least when I get back to Australia, I'll be important to my dog.
I have never publicly said anything nasty about friends or family (although I may have thought them) so excuse me this one time. I AM COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY PISSED OFF.