After skating, Millán, Rubén and I went to see La Ola (The Wave). It started at 10:45 pm, which is usually when movies finish in Australia. I really enjoyed it, the kind of film that makes you think afterwards. It's about a German teacher who simulates an autocracy in his class as an experiment and it goes out of control.
Last Friday, Andrés, Beza, Sevi and I went to see El Mercader de Venecia (The Merchant of Venice). I understood most of it, more than I expected, which was a pleasant surprise. The only thing was there were these old people in the audience with really bad wheezing, continuous coughs, who just kept up a chorus of coughing. Honestly, if you're so sick, stay at home. And despite the reminder at the beginning to turn off all mobile phones, there were three or four instances when mobiles went off. Vibrate mode was invented for a purpose people- use it. However, I did really like going to the theatre with the guys (who occasionally whispered inappropriate comments that made me crack up).