Thursday, July 24, 2008

Oxfam Chatz Champz

We have exactly 35 days, or 5 weeks, before the big 100 km walk. We did a 30 km walk last Saturday as a team, and it was great, except Frieda got massive blisters and shoe problems.

And then I requested that we stop off at a fish and chips shop afterwards and gorge on grease and salt and replenish all those lost calories.

I had a fight with Tim over who could be Kermit (that's a team photo there, by the way). I think we agreed on him being Miss Piggy, and I'm Kermit and Alex is the Dickensian Gonzo. Or maybe I agreed to be the hairy red dude with the sticks, whose name I don't know and in fact I don't even know if he's from The Muppets. He looks like a red Oscar the Grouch.

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