Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hiding behind a fertility doll

(photo: hiding behind a fertility doll, with bald head)

Looks like I'm going back to Spain.

It's been a tough year. On the 1st January, I was on a plane to attend my grandmother's funeral. Two of my best friends moved overseas with no return date, one has moved interstate, again with no return date. A friend from Spain passed away, I've been struggling with the thought of going back to Spain or going to South America or North America.

I've been incapable of committing to any decision. Bah, humbug.

My hair has grown in the 2 1/2 months since I shaved. To the point that I look like I have a mullet. At least I won't stand out if I go back to Spain.


rubén said...

Glad to hear that! News spread fast around here, so Beza told us about two weeks ago that you were coming back lol. I'm still in France which sucks big time, but I'll be back chez mes parents in less than a month. At last.

Sorry for not e-mailing but you know, lazy attitude is a must in France.


Anonymous said...

Hi bubs, you know your comment about 'drifting, unable to commit to any decision'? I think that is characteristic endemic to people who were moved around a lot as children. There was this book i was reading (forget the name) about children who get shuffled across countries a lot. If you have no stability as a child with regards to where you live, then you grow up rootless (Is that the right word?) . You never learn to cope with difficulties because you think it doesn't matter, as soon as you get to a new place you'll leave that difficulty behind. Well that was one of the things i got out of that book. I feel itching to move somewhere else too, but i also know that once i do, i wont be happy and will wish i was somewhere else. Don't know if it's the way we grew up or what.

from claudius said...

Caro, you know how Gryffin' mum bit him on the bum when he was a puppy and he's been traumatised ever since? Are we traumatised?

Ha! I think after around 17 or 18, you can't blame your parents for things any more.

And back to Gryffin (one of my favourite topics), I used to think he was traumatised, poor pup, but I think basenjis are just a traumatised breed of dog.