Monday, October 30, 2006

Housewarming dinner

I think our housewarming dinner went pretty well. It was a bit hard with the international people and the Spanish because the Spanish spoke too fast for the internationals so the internationals reverted to their own languages, but when you're eating you're not supposed to talk anyway because then you either talk with your mouth full, which is disgusting or you miss out on the food. The Spanish are alcoholics. There were 14 of us, 2 bottles of champagne, 1 bottle of white and around 6 bottles of red and they were pretty much all finished by the Spanish end of the table before dessert was even served. I wish one less person had come because according to Agatha Christie, if you have a table of 13, the first to get up is the next to die. And I wanted to see if it was true and who it would be.

Reuben was supposed to try my hakarl (the putrefied sharkmeat I brought back from Iceland that I put in the freezer) but in the end, only Timon, Beza and I were brave enough to have some. Go us! We rock. We could only eat a piece each so I put the rest back in the freezer for when Lisa comes to visit. (Timon: Mmmm, I'll have some more thanks. Cath: Please, kill me now. Beza: Quick! I need gasoline!)

After dinner we went out to dance at the bars. We had an extra hour of partying because of the daylight saving change but I went home at the same hour I always do except now it was an hour earlier so I stayed up and watched Invader Zim.

Yesterday, The Fellowship of the Ring was on TV in Spanish. Frodo Baggins became Frodo Bolson, the orcs became orcos or orcas and Gimli the dwarf became Gimli el enano. I usually hate dubbed versions because the voices are so incredibly irritating (the females are always high-pitched and whiny and the men sound constipated) but this was pretty good. Still don't like Frodo. He's so useless in the film.

Clockwise at table from front left: Johanna, Ana, Timon, Beza's back, Reuben's nose, Fernando, Javier, Em, Mel, Alexis, Stefano, Gian and Tania.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Stupid Australian laws

I emailed the Australian Office for importing pets and the stupid person said that due to environmental reasons, turtles aren't allowed to be imported except by zoos. But he's so tiny. And so cute. With such a long tail. I'm absolutely devastated. Look at how tiny and adorable he is. I'm going to visit my great-uncle in Germany for Christmas, probably, so I thought maybe I can give him to his granddaughter. I'm so upset. I came up with all these mad ideas about how to smuggle him into Australia in a plastic container in my pocket but I don't want to be imprisoned or fined $50 000. But he's so lovely and... turtley.

It's my grandfather's funeral this weekend. All the international people went out for another dinner last night but I didn't feel like mingling so I came home after going to a free Beethoven concert and watched series 2 of Kath & Kim in one go. I bought Ghengis a rubber turtle model so he doesn't feel like his container's too empty but it's bigger than he is and has no tail. Hope it doesn't freak him out.

I finished and handed in my assignment four days early. Yay for me. I was just really irritable and tired for no reason, but fidgety and nervous at the same time so I decided to channel my energy into something positive. I suspect it's crap but at least it's done and that's one less thing to think about. We're having a dinner tonight at our flat, as a sort of house warming thing. It was supposed to be only around 8 people but ballooned to around 15 and I don't want to have it any more. Javier and some of his friends are coming which will be fun, but we also have other people coming that I don't know so well, so WHY THE HELL ARE THEY INVITED???

The new girl who's moving into the empty room came with her family yesterday to see the flat. Her mum is a fat, pushy, obnoxious, loud, racist, nasty bitch. I hate her daughter already. Mel and I were whispering to each other in English while they were looking around, and her mum was like 'Oh, Americans.' I replied 'Excuse me, not Americans, we're Australians.' And the fat cow said 'Yes, yes, I know, but to us French people, all people who speak English are Americans.' I should have called her a close-minded bitch to her face. And when she met Jian, she rolled her eyes and said 'Oh, a Brazilian boy.' And then later, when they came up again to move in the girl's stuff, I went to hide in my room but Jian kindly offered to help them with the bags and she asked him 'Where's the little chinese girl with the slanted eyes?' When she left, I had a rant to Jian about it. Firstly, I already told her I was Australian, and secondly, I'm Taiwanese not Chinese. Get it right you maggot-brained sow. And lastly, my eyes are not slanted, they're beautiful. I know because Allen tells me and he has very good taste in these things. Get that right too, you rotting carcass. If her daughter is anything like her, I'm going to make her life miserable. I'm very skilled at that- ask Allen.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Procrastination is the thief of time

Have been in an awful mood lately. I think I´m just over-tired and over-stressed, although I did talk to Alexis all the way in Mexico yesterday and she cheered me up some. Didn´t attend either of my classes yesterday because I woke up and realised it was 10 am and I´d already missed half of my first class, so I went back to sleep and woke up and realised I´d missed my second class too. Then I skulked around trying to avoid seeing anyone and spent the whole day indoors watching Kath & Kim, Spaced and The Family Guy.

Someone buzzed our door last night, at around 9 pm, and when I looked through the eye hole, there was some badly dressed old man with scraggly hair standing there. So I opened the door a little and a stench of stale alcohol, dirt and human grease came wafting in. He said he was looking for lodgings and he´d seen our ad for the flat. I told him the rooms were already taken and shut the door on him because he looked angry and ready to get violent. But we never put up what flat number we were, so I have no idea where he got it from, unless it was Druggie #1 who told him. They both shared a quality of... bumness. Maybe they´re friends. Maybe as revenge for rejecting him, Druggie #1 is sending along all his homeless friends to plague us.

Monday, October 23, 2006


This semester, I have three 'proper' classes. Two of them are infant/primary school teaching subjects and one (which I now regret taking because the classes are at 9 am) is contemporary philosophy. The teaching ones are SO MUCH FUN. The first one is called Plastic Expression, and all you do in the class is make crafts. I wove this scarf, which is around 150 cm long and took me around seven hours. Our next project is something to do with clay and papier mache. And our assessment task is making a puppet. The last subject is called Rhythm and Dance and you do what kids would do in a music lesson, which is beat in time with the music, dance in a circle with the class mates, form a train and chug along to the beat. When I get back, I'm going to teach my nephew all this so he can get an advanced start and be the most intelligent child in playgroup. I refuse to have dumb relatives.

I told Mum I'd put up photos of my new room so she could see what it looked like. I got the nicest room, the only one with wooden floors and the sun streaks through the window late morning to early afternoon so it gets warm in here. If you look carefully, you can make out photos of my little hairy ones. Alfie is there too. I'm back to sleeping in my Winter-snow-camping sleeping bag. It's amazingly liberating not having proper sheets. No washing HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. All I need to do is air it out once a week.

On the weekend, we had a dinner with around 22 people at a place that's privately owned, but they let you hire it out for a night. They let you use the kitchen and dining rooms to cook the food and then eat it there, so it's like a nice dinner meal with friends, withouth hassle of cleaning up. Food was divine. Thanks to Stefano, Em's Italian housemate, we got heavenly gnocci, four huge blocks of gourmet pizza and Javi made the best dessert ever. And it only cost us 6 euros. I swear I ate one of those entire pizzas by the end of the night.

Saturday, I went out with Javi's friends because it was Jorge's birthday. Went to the erasmus party before that but left early because it was so boring. Javi's friends are always very gentlemanly with me so after such a stressful party before (stressed from being bored), I went mad and had a crazy fun time. Was fantastic. Using the Spanish Night-out measurements, getting home after 5 is a good night out, the regular. Anything after 7 reaches the insane line. So I had a great time on Saturday night. The bakery across the street was baking at 5 am so I ran over and got 3 croissants and two burning hot barras of bread. The croissants were at the just baked stage where they reach a perfect balance of fluffy and dense.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ghengis Khan

This is Genghis Khan, my new pet. He's a chinese turtle and I'm pretty sure he's still a baby because his shell doesn't seem to be very tough- when I picked him up he felt a bit squishy. He's slightly smaller than an Australian 20 cent piece. The guy at the pet store told me to feed him 2 to 3 mini shrimps a day and to leave them on the ledge part but I don't know if he can find them. I placed him next to them but he doesn't look interested.

Every time I walk into the living room I feel a phantom crunch under my right foot. I think Ezra may be haunting me.


I KILLED EZRA!!! I KILLED EZRA!!! I went into the living room to see how he was and heard this CRUNCH. I was too scared to look so I looked into his container, and the lid was off and he was nowhere to be seen. So then I looked down and on the ground were the broken remains of a little burgundy and white snail shell. With the flattened form of a tiny snail underneath. I am a murderer.

"I can fit all that in one go!" Posted by Picasa

Cath meets her identical twin Posted by Picasa

Tough Horse

It's very hard when someone dies and you feel like where you are isn't where you want to be. My grandfather died two days ago and I keep getting flashbacks to him when I was a kid. He was always such an energetic and polite man, with so many talents and interests. When I found out he was sick, I was travelling and I wrote him some postcards, but I was going to get some paper and write him a letter when I got back. So I have the paper now, but I'm a bit late. It was a huge shock to my system when I found out. More so than when my grandmother died because I'd been told that the last time I saw her would be the last time I would see her again. I was prepared for it, and she was sick so long as well.

I see my grandfather doing Qi Gong in the garden with the nurses, or learning Russian at his desk, paying for the bill when we'd just been to an expensive Japanese restaurant. I was always in awe of him. The kind of awe that never depletes.

Emily's parents left today but she had the loan of the car for an extra 3 hours so we took it to MacDonalds and stuffed our faces. I ate a chicken nugget meal, a fillet of fish, a mcflurry and half an apple pie. This was after I'd just watched Supersize Me as well. But he made me feel good about eating it. I mean, I never eat it in Australia. And this is the 3rd visit to MacDonalds in Spain this year.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Goodbye, Esio Trot

The bastard (otherwise known as Druggie #3) came for his tortoise. I was so devastated. I really thought he wouldn't come back (and I was hoping the police would imprison him so he couldn't come back). He didn't really love his tortoise- he didn't give it a name, or build it a nice house, or leave it in the sun for 6 hours a day and feed it a varied diet like we did. We called it Esio Trot and made it a little shelter in its cage, with pebbles, a drinking pond and little food container. It was really scared for the first day but then we placed it in the sun and it became really energetic and chased our shoes and ran around making happy noises.

The internet guy came today to fix the internet. We have internet again! It took him around 3 seconds to fix it and I was like 'Wow, how did you do that?' and he beckoned me over and said 'See the On/Off switch? It needs to be turned on.'

Our gas ran out, so today will be the third day of showering with cold water. There's another tank in the pantry but the landlady told us to call the gas people to come change it for us. I tried to change it myself but every time I touch it, I smell gas. So we called the gas people but they only have an answering machine where you leave your telephone number and address. I suspect they'll never call us back. I went to the supermarket to buy microwave food because we can't cook either and microwaved it for too long so I had to eat a shrunken, leathery thing that I think was supposed to be fish. It's not that I don't know how to use the microwave, it's just they put stupid times on it. If it says 'Microwave for 6 minutes' then it shouldn't burn up if you microwave it for 6 minutes. Stupid instructions.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Rehab Centre

Mel and I have decided to call our flat the Rehab Centre, due to all the drug addicts who have come to apply for residence. The first person who came was some freaky mono-browed Goth who growled under his breath and barged in and barged out. The second guy (he was really weird) was a homeless guy who looked at least 30 but claimed he was 24. He came in, peered for ages into our bedrooms then started mumbling stuff about being cold, it being October and money. I think he was saying he had money to pay us. When we said we´d let him know, he started asking us to find it in our hearts to let him stay just for the night. Since he wouldn´t leave, I finally told him we were going out so he had to leave and was preparing myself to pick up the coffee table in the living room and bashing him on the head with it if he wouldn´t go. And then calling the police. He was Druggie #1.

Druggie #2 was a gaunt looking woman with perspiration shining on her face, one single fat dreadlock running down her back and pieces sticking out of it, a shiny red wig perched on her head and a mullet haircut that you could see from under the wig. She said something about coming off medication and leaving the hospital and needing somewhere safe to stay at night. (What kind of ´medication´, I wanted to ask). But she was very polite. When she said she had 100 Euros to pay for the rest of the month, I said she´d need at least another 125 for the bond and her face dropped but she thanked us and left. Then Druggie #1 came again, pretending to be someone else and begged us to give him a chance.

Druggie #3 was by far the worst. He was actually a drug dealer, so he told me, after the landlady wouldn´t let him stay because he had no documents or ID and only a passport that didn´t belong to him. After he came to look at the flat, we told him he´d need to call the landlady and talk to her so he did that immediately and claimed that he was going to her place straight away to make the contract. But at around 7 pm, he came back and told Mel that he´d spoken to the landlady and even though he didn´t have the contract yet, she was allowing him to move in. I wasn´t home, but since he had all his stuff with him and she didn´t want to just leave him on the street, she let him in, then went out to dinner. So when I came back, I found this guy moving in his amp, electric guitar, clothes etc. I was in a very bad mood. While I was talking to him, the landlady called me and told me to ask him to leave immediately, but he said he´d go over and sign the contract and after he´d visited her, the landlady called me and told me to not let him in the house at all, since he´d told her all these lies and didn´t have any documents at all. She said she´d suggested calling the police on him and he´d panicked and left. She kept talking faster and faster and getting more and more worked up, very cute. I think she feared for my life.

However, when he turned up, since all his stuff was in the house I couldn´t very well not let him take it, so I let him in but he started making dinner in our kitchen, the bastard. And leaving a mess. And then he told me what the landlady had said, and how he´d had all these illusions about living in our flat, and how beautiful my smile was and how he´d felt a connection between us the first moment he saw me. I was like, wow, you are deluded. He also asked me if a had a boyfriend and I said yes, thank you and I love him very much but he leant in anyway and asked for a kiss. Bloody nerve. That was when I messaged Mel and asked her to come home immediately. I would have gone to lock myself up in my room but I didn´t trust him to leave him alone in our flat. And then, (I think he was seriously deluded), even though I´d made it very clear that I wasn´t interested at all, he said ´Wow, it´s hot in here´ and took off his shirt. Very hairy and pale and unattractive. That was when Mel and Alexis came back and I nearly wept with joy.

He was going to leave his stuff and come pick it up the next day, but Alexis asked him to take it and he looked pissed off but said he´d come for it in half an hour. An hour later, he called me and told me he´d come by the next morning. I told him to come at 9:30, but by 11:30 he hadn´t come, so I called him and he said he´d come by immediately. Three phone calls and five hours later, I told him that if he didn´t come immediately, I was throwing all his stuff on the street.

He left his pet tortoise though, and all his plants because he didn´t have a flat and didn´t have anywhere to keep them. Oh yeah, and before he left, he´d asked me if he could leave a package in the freezer. The way he´d asked it was a bit shifty, and I remembered what he´d said about being a drug dealer, so I asked him what it was and he hurriedly grabbed it and said it was nothing. Moron. I can´t believe he tried to keep drugs in our flat.

We had a very normal Spanish student who actually signed the contract, but he got offered a job in his home town so wasn´t moving to Logroño after all. There was also a very tall cook with tattoos all over his arms who came to look but I didn´t feel comfortable around him. And a working woman who stank of smoke, a girl who never called back and a painter from Morocco/New Orleans who looked very blingbling-ish and had red eyes like he´d smoked too much weed.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I am in a nightmare. Everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Am stressed out of my brain. But on a positive note, we went away to Vitoria for the weekend to see the final gig of the year of Radio Birdman. They´re this Australian rock band and Mel is friends with the keyboard player´s son, so we met up with him then later had a glass of wine with his dad, who is really funny and Australian.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


We got a pet snail yesterday. His name is Ezra. Well, Mel thinks Ezra is a girl´s name so she calls him a ´she´ but I guess it doesn´t matter anyway because they´re all hermaphrodites. I read on the internet that some snails are carnivorous and cannibalistic so we decided to get just one snail; it would be too traumatic of one of them ate the other one.