Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Procrastination is the thief of time

Have been in an awful mood lately. I think I´m just over-tired and over-stressed, although I did talk to Alexis all the way in Mexico yesterday and she cheered me up some. Didn´t attend either of my classes yesterday because I woke up and realised it was 10 am and I´d already missed half of my first class, so I went back to sleep and woke up and realised I´d missed my second class too. Then I skulked around trying to avoid seeing anyone and spent the whole day indoors watching Kath & Kim, Spaced and The Family Guy.

Someone buzzed our door last night, at around 9 pm, and when I looked through the eye hole, there was some badly dressed old man with scraggly hair standing there. So I opened the door a little and a stench of stale alcohol, dirt and human grease came wafting in. He said he was looking for lodgings and he´d seen our ad for the flat. I told him the rooms were already taken and shut the door on him because he looked angry and ready to get violent. But we never put up what flat number we were, so I have no idea where he got it from, unless it was Druggie #1 who told him. They both shared a quality of... bumness. Maybe they´re friends. Maybe as revenge for rejecting him, Druggie #1 is sending along all his homeless friends to plague us.


Anonymous said...

You quote Judith Wheeldon? Your tutle is so cute. The shrimp look huge.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Lisa remembers to know you are quoting Mrs Wheeldon. You are both Scary & abbotsleighfied.

Anonymous said...

btw, i told S. it would be nice if O. went to Knox.... but then again not so sure about that. Boys there aren't too bright.