Monday, April 27, 2009

Roman markets and other matters

A few weekends ago, Juan Carlos invited us to his place in Calahorra for lunch. It happened to be the weekend that they were putting on a Roman market in the village so it coincided quite nicely. (Photo: falcon at the market)

Pablo and I caught the bus up early in the morning and had a look around the market which was fascinating. They had an aviary with vultures, falcons, eagles and owls and cheeses that looked like giant pebbles. While we were waiting for JC to finish work, they put on a gladiatorial demonstration. Apparently in Hungary or Romania there's an actual gladiatorial school, where they teach the guys how to use tridents, nets swords etc. One guy got cut on his belly but JC said last year, some guy got his finger cut half off and another one was rushed to Emergency with blood pouring out of his neck.

Afterwards, we went to his place where they had a vegetable patch, an outdoor fire and hunting dogs and his parents stuffed us with about 10 kilos of meat of spare ribs, sausages, chorizo, cutlets and chops as well as salad, homemade bread, shrimp, canapes, flan, fruit, cake, donuts, coffee, beer, wine... On the way home on the bus, Pablo and I both fell asleep from our gluttonous afternoon and nearly missed our stop.

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