Monday, October 06, 2008

No ginger?

I bought this pair of boots on Saturday. They are beautiful and I love them (although not the price...)

Went to my school on Friday to meet the teachers and students. It was great- I have a fantastic timetable that results in me getting a 5 day weekend every two weeks. Plus the teachers were nice.

Had dinner at Javi's grandfather's place with some of his friends on Saturday night. This is the cool house with the boar head hanging above the fireplace. Javi cooked ribs, bacon and chorizo for us in the fireplace- so so very tasty.

I have discovered a horrifying thing. There is no ginger to be found in Logroño. I went to two supermarkets and about six greengrocers. And the greengrocers all said they didn't know where I could even find ginger. Terrible.


Anonymous said...

what does one cook with ginger? i never buy ginger because the pieces are too big & it takes me so long to get through one piece that it ends up going mouldy. I've had traumatic mouldly ginger experiences.

I made Lemon Butter today - pity you are not here to try some. If you are wondering what it is, it is something that we never grew up with because it was too sweet & unhealthy for us. Steve ate it a lot. It's kind of like Jam. Lemon. Like the filling of a lemon pie.

Anonymous said...

btw, nice boots, but don't you have one that looks kind of the same?