Sunday, March 22, 2009

They fell like flies

Thursday was a public holiday here and also Father's Day but I was still supposed to have tutoring with four kiddies.

Then the first one rang me at about 11 am, telling me they were taking a day trip so not to come. I rang the one who came right after, to see if they wanted to move the time earlier, and she said 'Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm not going to be home today, so you shouldn't come.' While I was deliberating whether to cancel the last two, the mother called and said 'Well, the weather's so good today, and since it's Father's Day, we're going on a family trip, so don't come.'

I had a five minute party running around my flat cheering, then rang and told Beza the good news. He, like many other Spaniards, had a puente (which is when the public holiday falls mid-week and you have the rest of the week off, like a bridge between the public holiday and the weekend. But as my friend pointed out, I have a puente every Monday so I shouldn't complain if for one day I have to work when the rest of the world doesn't).

We decided to go to the Parque de la Grajera, which is a park with an artificial lake, about 20 minutes by bus from Logroño. I whipped up some hamburger patties, packed a towel and sunnies and we bought some bread. When we got there, the whole carpark was packed with cars and there were people everywhere. It was like Myer in the city on the first day of sales. But most of the people were congregated around the restaurant/bar and we managed to find a nice quiet spot ie. without any bratty children screaming or playing ball and after lunch we took a siesta in the sun.

When we went to catch the bus back, the bus couldn't stop because some people had parked in the bus stop area.

On Friday, I had to work again. We had another cutting/colouring activity which was as much of a debacle as the last one. Seriously, if by the time you're in Year 6 you still don't know the meaning of the word 'cut' you deserve to be cut up and roasted like a turkey. This time, I didn't say anything about colouring in, I just handed out the paper and said 'Get your scissors... (holding up a pair of scissors)... and CUT along the lines.' As I walked around the room supervising, half of them were colouring in and I had to say 'NO, CUT.' And the other half asked me 'So do we colour now?'

After the fifth child who asked me that, I seized a pair of scissors and a piece of paper, marched to the front of the room and shouted at the top of my lungs 'EVERYONE, LISTEN! YOU CUT WITH. YOUR. SCISSORS. DO. NOT. COLOUR. IT IS S I M P L E,' demonstranstrating by massacring the piece of paper I was holding. The first graders got it right- the sixth graders must be wrong in the brain somewhere.


Monica Tan said...

Jaja, so funny!!

Anonymous said...

I have HIGH SCHOOL students who can't follow instructions. carobs
ps. Gree is an ANGEL (thank steve)