Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ooh, I forgot

I forgot to mention that the elections are coming up so all the political parties have stands in the city centre. So when Elisabeth and I were walking around Uppsala the other day, I went up to all of tem and took their stickers and party badges and free stuff. No pens though, unfortunately. They must have been out of them.


Anonymous said...

Hey Cath!
Wow, now I remember why I'm reluctant to read your blog--you make me so envious! I can't believe how many countries you've seen in such a short time...Don't you have classes? *sigh* How do you do it?


Anonymous said...

daarling you look like you're having so much fun!

Anonymous said...

How can she says you look like you're having so much fun when there hasn't been ANY photos for a good while?!? Anyway, have you run out of money yet? or shall we not discuss that? We are no longer able to ever ever ever go to Europe (have child need i say more), so i must live vicariously through you (Is that the right way to use that word?)