Friday, November 24, 2006


I found my Lost Underwear!!! They were crouched behind my swimmers in my drawer. Very exciting. It's the highlight of my week because now I can put off washing my clothes for a few more days.

My cat puppet is called Dr. Perejil and perches on my hand when I'm at home and acts as my psychologist. It's usually quite nasty and tells me off for losing things but it also tells me it's ok to leave dishes unwashed in the sink, especially if they're not mine.

I went to see my doctor again this morning. He is definitely a very peculiar looking man. He's practically bald, has large, drooping jowls and big pointy ears that stick out from his head. They resemble those of Legolas so much it's freaky, except they're much larger and stick out more. He looks like a cross between a pixie and a goblin. But very friendly. And he doesn't speak with an unintelligible regional accent.

Last night the Croissant couldn't sleep and I was in the kitchen, reading, so she came in and started talking to me. Then the Boy joined us and we stayed up till almost 4, chatting.

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