Monday, November 06, 2006


I think it's called Mondayitis. The disease people get when they feel like they can't get up on a Monday morning and go to work. Except I think I just have Dayitis because it doesn't happen on a Monday to me, it happens every day. The only reasons I get up are because a) I need to pee and b) I need to check how Ghengis Khan is. He fell asleep mid-crawl when he was sliding off a rock into the water so he ended up sleeping with his face in the water and his shell/body still on the rock. I thought he'd died so I splashed water on him and he looked up at me irritably and went back to sleep.

I ran out of clean underwear the other day because I couldn't be bothered washing my clothes and I realised I had become a true bum. I decided I could a) not wear underwear b) buy some more so I could put off washing for a few more days c) steal someone else's d) hope that clean underwear would inexplicably rain down on me from the sky. I went with option d) and I'm still waiting. Actually, I did end up washing my clothes and just wore them wet which is not cool. Very uncomfortable.

I also flew into a rage on Saturday night and threw a wine bottle (empty) against my wall and then bashed my bed with my pillow. My poor flatmate who was watching TV in the room next door must have thought I had become a psychotic bottle destroying maniac because he now sidles out of the room whenever I enter it. I'm not mad, I'm expressive.

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