Saturday, August 19, 2006

Back in Wien

Slovenia is the most consistenly beautiful country I've seen so far. The scenery is amazing and indescribable. I went rafting in Bovec, in this valley with water so clear you could see the rocks below and there was a stream from the mountains that you could actually drink from. It tasted so fresh and unbottled. When we went rafting, there was a 7 metre rock jutting out of the water so we climbed it and jumped from it into the river. Was the biggest adrenaline rush and the water was freezing, incredibly... invigorating. Ljubljana is fantastic too, so relaxed and young and inviting.

Arrived in Vienna last night, after a 6 hour train ride with no book to read except my Lonely Planet guide. There were 2 lovely Korean girls in my room and this elderly Israeli woman who was the biggest busybody ever. She found out I was going to Bratislava by train and ordered me to go by bus instead and made me pull out my map and circle the station to catch it from. And told me which hostel I had to stay at in Bratislava and how to get there. I know she was trying to be kind, but the reason I'm travelling alone is so I don't have people telling me what transport to catch and where to go.

Met a guy at the hostel so we went to a bar and met this friendly Viennese girl and her 2 friends, one of them the DJ at the bar. When the bar closed, he said he knew of an underground party going on so we went. It was underneath some construction site and absolutely crazy. Was heaps of fun but the music was awful. Hardcore techno which I despise because it's not really even music. Got back to hostel at 5:30 and the Israeli woman who had to leave was chucking a fit because she couldn't find her key. She accused me of not closing the door properly last night, implying that someone had come into our room for the sole purpose of stealing her key while leaving her money and cards alone, and added 'And you didn't close your light last night'. This was the light that I'd turned on because she ordered me to turn it on so I could see when I came back. I told her that and she said 'Well, you were supposed to come back soon, not at 5 in the morning' even though I hadn't specified. She was still harping about the door and light when she was leaving and I was pretty sick of it and about to say something rude so I just said 'Goodbye, it was nice meeting you' and she shut up.

Apparently she'd tried to get one of the Korean girls to give her her key, saying that she'd have time to look for the lost one because they weren't leaving till 10 am. It's a bit like the baby in the bible that got squashed by the mother so she went and stole someone else's child. It's so funny how she was so nice at night, telling me she trusted us not to steal her stuff and how she'd just left it on the table and then because all evil and bitchy when she couldn't find her key. She was offended too when I put my passport and valuables in the safe at reception.


Anonymous said...

hey cath - you should give Susanne a call if you're in Vienna. She lives very close to a tram stop and she'd be really happy to meet up with you

Anonymous said...

Daaarling, how funny. She sounds like a perfect character from a book. I hear you are heading to the north, to Iceland, of all places! Say hello to the polar bears for me.

Caro said...

There are rude obnoxious people everywhere.

Caro said...

PS, can you send me a postcard from Iceland? or where ever you are? Can you Send Oliver one too??? He's not got any mail yet.

Monica Tan said...

WOW what a loser!