Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bargain Books

When I was in Barcelona, I picked up three books- a cookbook in Spanish for 1,90 Euros with recipes I want to eat but suspect I'll never be bothered trying to make, a book called The Cat Who Talked Turkey for the bargain price of 3 Euros, and a book called La Vida Sexual de Catherine M. This last one I got because it's my name, and Allen told me it's supposed to be a really good book. However, I'm glad I got it in Spanish and not English because so far it's proved to be slightly graphic but a lot of it I don't understand. I'm also learning a lot of words I don't think will come in handy in everyday conversation. It's interesting though, because even though it was only published a few years ago, I think the author's writing about women's liberation a few decades ago. Sort of like reading The Female Eunuch and seeing what's changed and what hasn't. Next time I buy a book in Spanish I'm going to buy a children's one so I can actually understand what's happening. The bookstore also sold Th Chronicles of Narnia in Spanish but it was beyond my budget.

I finished reading Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro in Barcelona. Definitely worth the 10 Euros I paid for it. It was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. The Booker Prize is a bit of a hit and miss, I think personally but this one was good, and Ishiguro is more or less a trustworthy author. The choice of English books in Logrono is very limited- I had a selection consisting of classics for around four times the price you'd pay in Australia, Danielle Steele and other romance/potboilers/pulp fiction. Perhaps I should join the local library. Not being able to read is stressing me out, especially when I'm sick and can't leave my house and I have nothing else to do. If I get incredibly desperate I might have to borrow Paulina Simmons from Emily. (Please, someone shoot me first).


Caro said...

Yes, I'll shoot you if you read Paulina Simmons, not that i've read her, but doesn't look that great. Buy my child some Spanish books pls? For when you babysit of course, because i can't & will never learn Spanish. We're going to get the baby some really really really cute picture books at Koorong tomorrow. Someone stop my children-book-buying-spree!!!!!!!!

Mel said...

Wow that crepe looks really nice... mmmmm.....
I hope you are feeling better. It's funny because my sister has a sore throat and so does Katrina. And my grandpa has pneumonia. And you're feeling sick too but you're in Spain.
I think it's because of Chatswood westfield. It was on the news that the air con at chats westfield was making people sick and three people are in hospital or something. luckily i didnt go shopping there yesterday.