Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I'm in Madrid at the moment and I'm sick here too. My dad's friend said it was unlikely I'd come down with the same stomach virus four times in two months so I must have food poisoning. I'm disgusted. I must be allergic to Spain or something. Am so ready to go home to Australia. It's lucky that I don't have much choice in the matter right now because I don't have a passport, otherwise I'd probably change my ticket and leave. I'm going to whinge briefly: this is the worst few months of my life. I've never been so sick before and it's absolutely horrible being sick away from home and not being able to see a doctor. I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home. I want my dog and Allen and my family and a healthy atmosphere that doesn't make me throw up every few weeks or contract some other disease/virus/bacteria. So ready to leave. So ready to leave. Hate being sick. I didn't see anything in Madrid because I was too sick to walk around. Bah. Bah. Hate being in Spain. Hate being here. Want to leeeeeeeeeeeeeave. Want my mum's salubrious cooking.

End of whinge.


Anonymous said...

ahh you poor baby.
whats your number? oh wait, you emailed to me before...i think..

im going to call u now!

hugs laura

Anonymous said...

oh your mobile no. doesn work?

Anonymous said...

poor girl, I feel very very pain for you, may god bless you, think positively, this is a good experience, now you know that sick peoples are so poor and misery. anyway hope you get well soon and go back to australia soon.

Monica Tan said...

Arggghh, I can't tell you how many times I've had the same longing to be home and the absolute despair that it's impossible and so very far away.

All I can say is --- you need to ride those time because they do pass. And I now it doesn't help much to realise it, keep strong, and on the other side you'll be thrilled to be in a city doing and seeing amazing things you would never be able to at home.

Of course, that can't be said while you're sick -

So get better and be careful what you eat! Only drink bottled water, OK?