Thursday, March 23, 2006

Curry has come to Logrono

Today was relatively uneventful; except that I accidentally made around 5 kg of curry. Apparently it can feed twelve people. It looks like it can feed twenty.

When I was in Barcelona, I visited a Chinese supermarket and bought this fabulous curry stuff that my mum uses at home in Sydney to make curry. I'd been meaning to make it in Logrono but hadn't been well enough to want to eat much until today. So I invited Mel over and she helped me chop up the carrots and potatoes and meat but it wasn't until everything was chopped up that I realised how much food I had. The instructions said there were twelve cubes in the box and you were supposed to use one cube per kg of meat and four onions, plus whatever other vegetables you wanted to put in. So I threw in around 7 or 8 potatoes, a whole bunch of carrots and a broccoli.

I think the instructions are erroneous. I ended up using almost two thirds of the cubes and now have a freezer full of tupperwared curry that will probably last me till the end of Summer. When Allen gets here I'm going to force-feed him curry till it's all gone. Our house smells like curry and the base of the pan I used has burnt onion embedded into it that I suspect not even boiling water and super strong detergent can remove. At least it tastes good. Can you imagine anything worse than eating 5 kg of foul stew?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wauuuuuuu,delicious curry, freeze it for me, I will come to logrono within 3 monthes , dont eat all, may be keep some for carolina and some for lisa, wahahahaha.