Monday, March 13, 2006


I'm deathly ill. I took my temperature and it was around 38.8, which I thought couldn't be right. I assumed it was because I'd just got out of bed, and was nice and toasty, so I waited around 5 minutes to take it again and it was almost the same. So I took some foul medicine the lady at the Farmacia gave me, which has paracetamol and something else in it, waited around 20 minutes and my temperature had dropped to 38.2. My dad thinks I potentially have pneumonia.

I made myself some boiled lemon and honey water, but it just didn't taste the same as the one my mum makes. Mine was gross and greasy and bitter. Perhaps I cut my lemons the wrong way.

My flatmate is so funny. We went to an international students party on Saturday night, and she kept making people take photos over and over again because she claimed she looked fat in most of them. Actually, it got a bit tedious, but then the whole party was tedious and I wasn't drinking because I didn't feel like it. I got cornered by the dullest guy I've ever talked to in my life.

My throat really hurts. It feels like someone's been scraping away at it with a rusty nail. I like how you can go to the pharmacy here, tell them your symptoms and they sell you something to make them go away, instead of having to visit a doctor and get a prescription. I don't think I can afford to visit the doctor here; actually I don't think I've even seen one. I've seen beauty parlours and dental clinics but no doctors or medical centres.


Monica Tan said...

Oh man nothing sucks more than being sick overseas. Actually maybe having all your valuables stolen while overseas takes the cake. Not a good couple of weeks for you, huh?! Just ride it - it'll be sunshine at the end of the tunnel. No really, summer's on it's way this side of the globe!

Caro said...

Oh poor poor thing. i actually am still feeling bad about your stolen bag. Did it have your camera in it?